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W E L L - B E I N G


Well-Being Week

Mrs Elizabeth Channer, Deputy Head Pastoral

The purpose ofWell-BeingWeek was to bring some variety,

togetherness and perhaps a new activity, experience or

perspective to everyone in the School, both staff and pupils,

and to make everyone stop and think about their own

well-being and that of others.

The definition of well-being is:“the state of being comfortable,

healthy, or happy”, but too often, well-being is equated only with

mental health and that is both narrow and misleading.

Most of us do not strive for the Buddhist ideal of nirvana; we

are all just trying to get on with our lives in the best way we can

within the parameters of our


have to accept

that life will throw difficulties at us, be they emotional or practical

and so we must equip ourselves with the tools and the strategies

to know how to cope when things get tough. With this in mind,

a programme was planned with something for everyone. Staff and

pupils alike could find solace in music or physical activity, dance,

artistic pursuits, the great outdoors, giving to others, learning a new

skill or simply quiet contemplation.

ATaize service in Chapel started the day in contemplative

fashion on three days and a host of other activities followed.

The daily forest ramble at lunchtime gave the opportunity to break

out of the usual routine and get into the fresh air, as did gardening

in the Southern Garden. We also offered swimming, yoga, a wildly

popular flash mob dance attended on the second occasion by

close to two hundred staff and pupils and the Morning Mile, made

extra attractive on the Friday by the arrival of theYogurt and Juice

Network and their fabulous juice bar.They also delivered a talk

to L4th about the link between a healthy gut and mental health.

Alex from the Self EsteemTeam spoke energetically and with great

warmth and honesty to pupils about choosing healthy friendships.

The Library was a hive of creativity with origami lessons and

the cake decorating class in the Courtyard Building was over-

subscribed. It was wonderful to see that the mindful aspect of

knitting was also appreciated, often by unexpected people! There

was singing to get the endorphins going and a talk about music

therapy for those with life-limiting conditions.The Anti-Bullying

Ambassadors distributed a menu of so-called random acts of

kindness for everyone to perform during the week. The crowning

glory of the week was the magnificent Well-Being Tree, beautifully

created by the skilled Mr Whitbread and Mr Fernandez. It now

stands in the Atrium, festooned with messages of good will and

positivity written by members of the school community and it

is a really heart-warming sight. It is so beautiful that it seems a

shame to leave it up just for one week so it will stay up at

least until Christmas.

Finally, let us not forget that giving to others and connectedness

to our community are crucial. Mindful of those close to home who

might need our support, we organised a collection for the Epping

Forest Food Bank and some Sixth Formers accompanied Mrs

Channer in taking the mountain of donations to Langston Road

The week could not have happened without the good will,

time, creativity and expertise of the staff and the energy and

open-mindedness of all those who participated in the activities. I

really hope that some of them can become a regular feature of

school life, not just reserved for a special week in the year, because

there really was a lovely buzz around the place. Let’s do it again

next year!

Cover artwork by Tamsyn Hancock, L6W.

Sixth Form Year GroupWinner,

Geography Photography Competition 2019