
Arkwright Engineering Scholarship

Many congratulations to Juliet W (L6) on being awarded a prestigious and highly competitive Arkwright Engineering Scholarship. These scholarships are awarded to pupils at the start of their Year 12 and support them through their chosen A level courses.  They are designed to inspire young people to pursue their dreams and change the world as future leaders in engineering. Pupils take part in a rigorous selection process beginning by completing an application, then sitting an aptitude exam in school. If successful in these two areas, they are invited to interview to demonstrate their passion and knowledge for engineering.

This year three Bancroftians were  interviewed (which is an achievement in itself) and Juliet was selected to receive the Scholarship. Of the thousands of students who applied, approximately 700 were interviewed nationally and an even smaller number awarded the Scholarship.  Arkwright try to match successful scholars with a sponsor in the field of their choice. There has been a significant drop in sponsors due to the pandemic and current financial situation and Juliet is extremely lucky to receive this. Juliet’s sponsor is the Royal Airforce.

Over the next two years, Juliet will be awarded a financial prize to contribute towards her A Level education and to pursue her engineering interests. She will also receive personal mentoring from the Royal Air Force as well as being invited to contact days with engineering experts.  An official awards ceremony will take place soon to formally present Juliet with her certificate.

Very well done, Juliet.

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