
Spiritual Life

One of the greatest strengths of Bancroft's is that we are a diverse and multi-faith community in which all pupils have opportunities to develop their own spiritual life and learn about the beliefs and values of others.

Our ethos is one of mutual respect, and acceptance of those of all traditions and backgrounds. The role of the Chapel in the life of the School is to promote this ethos and to provide inclusive acts of worship. Chapel services focus on shared values and common concerns, to encourage pupils to explore questions of meaning and purpose, and to help them to develop spiritually and morally.

“The multi-faith understanding and celebration is fundamental to much of the pupils’ personal development.”

ISI Report 2013

There are also opportunities for those from particular faiths to meet together. Currently this includes regular Communion Services, meetings of the Christian Union, Jewish Society, Muslim Society and HIndu Society and weekly Muslim assemblies. These provide pupils with a forum to share and develop their individual faith.

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