The CCF is a national organisation sponsored by the Ministry of Defence which gives the opportunity for pupils in the Lower Fourth (year 9) upwards the opportunity to take part in adventurous activity and personal development. It is one of the most popular co-curricular activities we offer. Training promotes responsibility, self-reliance, resourcefulness, perseverance and a sense of service. The capacity to lead, bolstered by self-confidence and self-discipline encourages pupils to play a full and active part in their community, now and in the future.
We have an Army Section and an RAF Flight and although the emphasis is a little different, as are the uniforms, they have a great deal in common.
Cadets join voluntarily for a minimum of one year in the L4th with the expectation that they will attend one Annual Camp. The Contingent meets each Tuesday afternoon after school when training is led by the Sixth Form with the assistance of Contingent Staff and external military training teams.
“Being in the CCF allows you to mix with students from other year groups that you many never have spoken to, while developing your teamwork and leadership skills in a multitude of ways.”
Anissa, U6 (year 13)
Weekly training makes good use of the school facilities with a full and varied programme of activities including: weapon training, shooting on the range, first aid, command tasks, drill, field craft, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme, BTEC training. A Basic Instructional Techniques Course qualifies cadets in the Sixth Form to teach younger cadets. Cadets are encouraged to attend external leadership and adventurous training courses open to them through the Services. The priority of our CCF is to ensure that pupils have the opportunity to experience and enjoy a variety of military and civilian training with an emphasis on developing leadership. Enjoyment and leadership are of the utmost importance.
Residential trips and Field Days put weekly training into practice. Members of the RAF fly regularly from RAF bases and the Army Section takes part in range days. During the Easter holidays, cadets from both sections enjoy a week of adventurous training in the Lake District when expedition work, potholing, caving, kayaking, climbing and scrambling fill the week. In the summer vacations, both sections hold their own Annual Camp. Army Camp has included residential trips across the channel, for example to visit sites associated with major international conflicts, such as Arnheim or the Normandy landing beaches.
The CCF offers a vast amount to pupils and cadets are encouraged to make the most of the opportunities that are available.
Please click on this link to read the latest CCF news: