
Bancroft’s Hispanists Share Holiday Spirit

L6 and U6 Spanish students have participated in “Una carta para un abuelo” (a letter for a grandparent), an initiative in Spain that invites to combat the loneliness of the elderly.

In Spain over 1,200,000 elderly people live alone, around 360,000 live in care homes and 60% of those who live in care homes receive no visits.

The aim of this project is that elderly people that live in care homes all over Spain and feel lonely receive a very special Christmas card. Our sixth formers have written their cards in Spanish, showing love, affection and encouragement to their assigned elderly person and no doubt that this will inspire hope in them in such a special time of year, when they find themselves in a care home and/or lonely. The students´ cards are received by the care homes to be printed off and then delivered to the residents on Christmas day.

“This was a lovely experience. It's really important to show the older generation who are struggling at Christmas that people care about them, and we are lucky to be able to use our Spanish to communicate and support these people, especially at Christmas.”

Safa and Izzy, L6

We believe that this is such a fantastic initiative so that millions of elderly Spanish abuelos and abuelas, who would otherwise not receive any Christmas wishes, feel “accompanied” and smile this Christmas; in the Spanish Department we are proud to have done our bit.

¡Felices Fiestas a todos!

Mr Iñigo Urreaga Gorostidi, Head of Spanish

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