
Christmas Foodbank Appeal from the Prep

It has been said that the best collaborations create something bigger than the sum of what each person can create on their own. Having fed forty families of four and sixty single people in the first week of our Christmas Foodbank Appeal, I think we have proved that theory right.

When we first came up with the idea to create boxes of food to last a family a fortnight, I anticipated three or four boxes per class. Over one hundred boxes were delivered to Redbridge Mutual Aid Foodbank, but the generosity did not stop there as the food kept coming in even after we had closed the appeal.  This meant we were able to deliver another twenty boxes. I am delighted that we have been able to help more of our local community than we could ever have anticipated!

From marketing the concept through flyers and promotional videos led by our Charity Ambassadors, to seeing our totaliser rise and our Christmas frieze, designed by Prep librarian Kathryn Houghton, develop, we could really feel the message to ‘Spread A Little Bancroft’s Kindness’.

Thank you to everyone who made this happen. Our school value of collaboration was seen at its finest from the teaching and maintenance staff pulling together to help those less fortunate than ourselves. We have our wonderful parents to thank for their extremely generous donations to the appeal   and our Prep children for collaborating so sensibly in putting everything together. This was a small act of kindness on our part to give a lot of joy to those who will find Christmas particularly difficult this year.

Mrs Sarah Strong , Head of Charities & Community Links

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