
GCSEs 2011



Half of the GCSE examinations taken by our fifth formers have been awarded a coveted A*: the very top grade. 83% of GCSEs were awarded either an A or A*. Mrs Mary Ireland, said, “We are thrilled at these excellent results, which are well deserved by our pupils. They have all worked very hard, which is reflected in the fact that one fifth of the year group has received 9 or more A*s, with 8 pupils achieving 10 A*s.”

Several subjects saw more than 90% of the students sitting GCSEs gaining A*s or As: maths, chemistry, biology, physics, design and technology, electronics, geography, RS and Spanish.

In addition, members of the Upper Fourth who took GCSEs in Maths and French also gained some very impressive grades with 100% achieving either an A or A*.



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