Iain Duncan Smith recognises fundraising
Chingford and Woodford Green MP, Mr Iain Duncan Smith, visited the School on Friday 10 June to present pupils from both Senior and Prep Schools with certificates in recognition of their work supporting local charity the UK Autism Foundation. The Prep School children raised money for the Woodford Green charity through a red, white and blue day to mark the Royal Wedding, while 3 North pupils undertook a ten mile sponsored walk in Epping Forest which raised £1,400 to be divided between the UK Autism Foundation and Cancer Research. Mr Ivan Corea of the UK Autism Foundation was also present; he said how marvellous it was to see children working towards helping other children.
The presentation was part of Bancroft’s Prep School’s annual Charity Day. This event raises money for children’s charities nominated by the school. This year Charity Day events will support Future Hope which works with street children in Calcutta and the Red Cross in its work for the victims of the Japanese earthquake, as well as the UK Autism Foundation. The day saw the children undertaking a variety of sponsored activities, such as running around the school field in pyjamas, and also organising their own stalls. Mr Duncan Smith took time to visit stalls: although he shared his horde of sweets with some of the children! Despite having to relocate due to wet weather the afternoon’s stalls alone raised almost £2,500 with sponsorship money still to be collected. The bad weather may have limited some of the planned activities, but it certainly didn’t dampen the children’s spirits as they threw themselves into the afternoon’s fun with enthusiasm.