
Impressive A Level Results 2019

There were lots of smiling faces at Bancroft’s this morning.  After the long 6 weeks' wait for this year’s A Level results,  we are delighted to report that 65.8% of all A levels taken were graded at either A* or A grade with 85.2% of them at grades A*, A or B.  All eleven of the students who held offers from either Oxford or Cambridge have had their places confirmed, with the majority of other pupils achieving the necessary grades for their first choice universities.

The main feeling amongst the pupils seemed to be relief that the stress had come to an end and that they can now get on with their summer and their futures. Theva said, “I’m just glad it is all over, I can relax now.” Joseph offered some advice for next year’s cohort, “Do something the day before – just take your mind off things. And stay off social media, there are too many rumours about grade boundaries!”  Many pupils did better than they had expected; Eloise was celebrating her 3 A*s and place at Bristol, “I’m really shocked.  I was busy looking at clearing yesterday and I thought I had been given the wrong results envelope this morning.” Tom shared her joy, “I’ve done way better than I thought.  I honestly thought I had failed and didn’t expect to do this well (A*, A, A) so I’m taking up my place for English and History at Sheffield.”   Caroline said that she resorted to watching Netflix throughout the night as she couldn’t sleep; her fears were unfounded as she achieved the grades needed for her International Business with French degree in Edinburgh.

Head Simon Marshall said, “We’d like to congratulate our leavers of 2019 who have achieved impressive results this year. The new reformed, linear A Levels aim to be demanding and challenging, and we are delighted that so many of our leavers have done so well and have obtained places at their chosen universities.

As ever grades on their own cannot do justice to the wide-ranging talents and abilities of this year-group, and they will leave behind them great memories of their achievements on the stage, the concert hall, on the games field and in the other numerous activities in which they have participated.

Simon Marshall, Head 

We are proud of the achievements of all our pupils; even if the most common grades achieved were A*s and As, for some achieving Bs or Cs has been a great success and the product of sustained hard work.  We wish them all the best for the future.”


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