
A Level Successes 2016

The long, nervous wait for A Level results is finally over for our Upper Sixth Formers  and the celebrations can begin.

We are delighted to report that twenty one of our pupils have achieved a fantastic three or more A* Grades, which represents a fifth of the year group.  Our top performer was Peter Andreev with an impressive tally of six A* at A Level (Russian, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Further Maths and Additional Further Maths) and an A (Biology).  Peter also achieved the top grade in his STEP papers (Cambridge entrance papers).  He now plans to read Maths at Trinity College Cambridge.  In total ten Bancroft’s pupils have had their places at either Oxford or Cambridge confirmed.

90% of all A Level exams taken by Bancroft’s pupils were graded A*, A or B, and 66.8% A* or A compared with the national level of 25.8%.  31.4% of all exams sat achieved the top grade of A* (again significantly higher than the national average which has been around 8% over the past years).

I am delighted that so many students have got really positive results at A Level allowing them to follow their chosen courses at university.  These results are really encouraging and reflect the continuing hard work put in by our teachers as well as the pupils themselves.

Mary Ireland (Outgoing Head)

Nasr Islam, whose three A*s has guaranteed his place to read Geography at Hertford College, Oxford, described the waiting period between sitting exams and getting the results this morning as “the most stressful time of my life” adding “once I got the results it was very rewarding.”  Another Oxbridge success, Lucy Ruben (Music at Christ’s College, Cambridge) said that her four A*s were “a surprise, I just didn’t expect it.  All that worrying was for nothing!”


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