Mathematical medalists!
<p style=”text-align: justify;”>A handful of our mathematicians have recently proved that they are amongst the top junior maths brains in the country! Following their brilliant performances in the Junior Maths Challenge, five Remove boys qualified for this year’s Junior Maths Olympiad. Around 1,200 of the highest scorers in the Junior Maths Challenge are invited by the UKMT to participate in the Junior Mathematical Olympiad which consists of in-depth mathematical problems of an unfamiliar nature, designed to be enjoyable but highly challenging.</p> <p style=”text-align: justify;”>The top 25% participants receive a Certificate of Distinction and around 200 of them receive medals (gold, silver and bronze), the top 50 students are awarded a Book Prize. The Bancroft’s medallists were Kavin Vijayakumar who gained a silver medal and was one of the Book Prize winners, Francis Clark-Murray and Alex Ruben, both of whom were awarded bronze medals. Joseph Oxlade and Alex Moss also qualified for the Olympiad and received certificates of Participation. Head of Junior Maths, Penny Thompson, said, “Getting five pupils through to the Olympiad is fantastic, but getting three medalists is exceptional! We’ve never had as many as three before. I am really proud of these boys! This is an outstanding achievement; the standard of Junior Maths here at Bancroft’s is incredibly strong at the moment.”</p>