
New Year, New Perspectives With Sharath Jeevan OBE

Bancroft's Lower Sixth began their term ahead of schedule with a special workshop by intrinsic motivation expert Sharath Jeevan OBE.

The workshop titled “Futureproofing Career & Life Success: Navigating your Inflection Year in the Lower Sixth,” aimed to equip students with the tools to build a career and life aligned with their intrinsic motivations. Sharath, a Bancroft’s parent and authority in the field who has worked with esteemed universities such as Oxford and Cambridge, shared his insights on building resilience, adaptability, and defining personal success.

“Our students are facing a dynamic and challenging post-school landscape,” said Phil Harrison, Head of Sixth Form at Bancroft’s. “It’s essential that we provide them with not just academic knowledge but also the skills to navigate life beyond our gates. Sharath’s workshop has been an invaluable part of that preparation.”

During the workshop, students engaged in discussions about their personal values and goals, considering how they can use their Lower Sixth year as a pivotal point for personal growth. They left with a clearer perspective on their post-school aspirations and a renewed sense of motivation for their journey ahead.

We are sure that the insights gained from the workshop will play a crucial role in shaping the students’ approaches to their studies and future career choices.

For more information on Sharath Jeevan and his work, visit Intrinsic Labs.

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