Prep Charity Day 2012
For the first time in weeks the sun shone and the rain stopped for the annual Prep School Charity day held this year on Friday 18 May. There were a variety of sponsored events during the morning: the Alphas had to skip for 15 minutes, the Betas faced and obstacle course and the Prep 1s and 2s had to recite all the countries involved in the Olympics. The afternoon saw the usual mix of stalls run by the Prep 2s. There were lots of games to play: lucky dip, a football competition, archery, sponge throwing (thank goodness for the warmer weather), as well as a delicious array of cakes, smoothies, ice cream and sweets. So far, the event has raised over £2200, with more to come! The money raised will be divided by three charities: Futurehope, Autism UK and Macmillan Cancer Support; in addition the Prep School continues to sponsor a boy in Nicaragua called Ramon.