
Prep School Christmas Concert

“The Greatest Story Ever Told”….so rang out 266 voices in one accord. As the children gestured a hand of hope to the heavens, applause rained down on them from an appreciative audience. What an evening it was in celebration of Christmas and how music plays such an important part at this special time of year.

Members of 1LL staged Nobody Wants To Be A Donkey beautifully and there were some magical solos and singing from the assembled cast. Miss Moor’s imaginative staging really allowed the drama to breathe and all actors were able to learn stage craft; well done 1LL!

The first half of the concert demonstrated what an astonishing variety of talent our children possess. From the opening bars of Balderdash Blues by the Wind Band to the closing bars of When I Grow Up from the Senior Choir, during which you couldn’t hear a pin drop as our audience remained spellbound by the children’s performance. I am hugely proud of all the pupils in the Prep School and I am honoured to be their music teacher. Their focus and enthusiasm on the night made all the hours of sweat, blood and tears worth it.

I know how much parents, grandparents and family friends enjoyed our Christmas Concert; it certainly got all of us in a festive mood.

Joe Layburn, Prep School Head

Adam Baum, Prep School Director of Music

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