Reader’s Digest Winners
Many congratulations to Hope Smedley (3S) and Ben Bagley (3W) who have been named as winners in this year’s Reader’s Digest 100-Word-Story Competition.
As ever, this competition received thousands of entries and, with the high quality of the short stories, the judges were faced with tough decisions. Hope’s story “Coma” won the Schools 12-to 18-Year-Olds Category and Ben was declared the winner in the Schools Under-12s Category for his story “100-1”. The judges said that Ben’s story, with its subtle twist at the end, was the “unanimous winner in its category” while Hope’s story was praised for its “economy of language” and described as conveying “so much without wasting a single word.” Both pupils will receive £250 of high-street vouchers of their choice. In addition, Julia Jones (5W) has been declared a runner-up in the Schools 12-to 18-Year-Olds Category for her story “Aware” and Benedict Hughes’ (3S) story “My Brothers and I” is a runner up in the Schools Under-12s Category. Both Julia and Benedict receive £50. All four stories have been published in the May issue of Reader’s Digest.