Recent News Round Up

8th May 2009 – Biology Olympiad
Silver medals: Alysa Hulbert and Karandeep Nandra. Highly commended: Vamsee Bhrugubanda. Commended: Louisa Atkins (U6Eb). Alysa and Karandeep will be attending a ceremony at which Professor Steve Jones will present their medals.

5th May 2009 – Darwin Year Sculpture Competition
Congratulations to Emmaline Okafor who has been awarded a first prize in the 2009 Schools Darwin Year Sculpture Competition organised by the London Teachers’ Group of Biology teachers.  She was the overall winner in the section for Year 7 pupils.

 The Speaker
Congratulations to Haroon Anwar who, from a huge number of entrants, reached the final of the BBC public speaking competition, The Speaker. You can see why he was so successful by watching his audition speech at: 


April – 2009 Music Examination Success
Just before the Easter holiday a number of our talented musicians took grade examinations. Ten achieved passes with Merit and another six with Distinction. Well done to all our students and their teachers.


21st April 2009- National Schools’ Analyst Competition
Izabel Cheung, Jonathon Marks and Saranja Sivachelvam represented Bancroft’s in the National Schools’ Analyst Competition Regional Heat held at Queen Mary University of London. The competition assessed the students’ skills in analytical chemistry. The Bancroft’s team did extremely well and achieved a close and creditable 2ndplace. The team members were each awarded a prize by the Royal Society of Chemistry.


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