
Record Number of Oxbridge Offers

We are delighted  that twenty four current U6 students have received offers from either Oxford or Cambridge to read a variety of subjects.  A twenty fifth Oxbridge place has been awarded to OB Georgie Atkinson.  Looking through past records, it would appear that this is the best ever set of offers received by Bancroftians.

Seventeen offers have been made from Cambridge Colleges and eight from Oxford.  Courses are wide ranging with offers to read, amongst other subjects, English, Maths, Economics, History, Geography and Sciences.  This year, however, Engineering is particularly well represented with seven offers and five students have received offers to read Medicine.  Such places are highly oversubscribed and increasingly competitive.  These talented students will have faced a tough selection process consisting of pre-tests, as well as intensive scrutiny of their academic achievements and rigorous interviews.   All places are conditional on the students’ A Level results this summer.

As a year group this is one of the most successful we have seen for a long while and they achieved stellar results in their GCSEs in 2015.  The School hoped for good things from them, but this number of Oxbridge offers exceeded expectations.  Such success is not achieved without a good deal of hard work from the pupils as well as hours of dedicated support and encouragement from their teachers, who have provided guidance, extra tuition and interview practice over the past months.


This is an exceptional achievement and we are delighted that so many of our applicants have received due reward for all their hard work and dedication. This is a year-group that aimed high from year 7 onwards and the success of these pupils is built on the hard work and cooperation of the whole year-group

Simon Marshall, Head

In addition to our continued Oxbridge success, Bancroft’s has a strong tradition of its pupils attending the top research universities in the country.  Over the past five year period, over three-quarters of Bancroftians who have left the School to go to university have taken up places at Russell Group institutions.  Judging from the offers received so far, it would appear that the current Upper Sixth will carry on this tradition.

Cambridge Offers 2017

Fola Amuludin English Murray Edwards
Nivethan Balakulendran EngineeringMagdalen
Matthew Davies
Abishek Ghosh
Medicine Gonville & Cauis
Sujil JamesMedicineRobinson's
Amy KellyNatural SciencesSidney Sussex
Elliot Krishek
EngineeringSt John's
William Layzell-Smith
EngineeringCorpus Christi
Thuza Naing
Chemical Engineering Gonville & Cauis
Ben Norris
Natural SciencesSt Catherine's
Christina Okafor
Medicine St John's
Ilakya Prabhakar
Rishan Rashid
Medicine Girton
Jay Ruaux
EngineeringSidney Sussex
Aarya Sajilal MedicineKing's
Sayon Uthayakumar MathsChrist's
Georgie Atkinson (OB)HistoryLucy Cavendish

Oxford Offers 2017

Becky HampsonGeographyHertford
Julia JonesGeographySt Edmund Hall
Oviya Kumanan
MathematicsSt Edmund Hall
Tom OliverEngineeringWorcester
Alex PentecostOpen
Mahidiyah Rahman
Arun SoorMathematicsSt John's
Matthew Willoughby



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