
Sad Loss to Bancroft’s Community

Chrystyna Plumridge

The Bancroft’s community was deeply shocked and saddened to hear of the death of Chryssie Plumridge who worked in the Sixth Form café and, previously, as a cook in the school kitchens for many years.  Chryssie was a ‘larger than life’ character who was known to many generations of Bancroftians, and was much loved by all whom she nourished and nurtured.

So many Bancroftians past and present will have their own memories of Chryssie, and we would like to give you the chance to share them with her family. If you would like to post a memory or simply a message of condolence, you can do so using this link.  These will then be printed and collated in a book of condolence for her husband Paul, daughter Nicky and the extended family.

Details of her funeral service (which will be held at School) will be posted on the School website and Facebook page.

At this difficult time for Chryssie’s family, I know they will be greatly comforted by the support from the community of which Chryssie was such a big part.

Rev Moore

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