Senior Maths Olympiad

Many congratulations to Kavin Vijayakumar (5E) who has gained a Distinction in the Senior Maths Olympiad (BMO1) and has qualified for Round 2 of British Maths Olympiad, which is used as the basis of selection for the UK Squad for international competitions. This is an outstanding achievement by Kavin; approximately 100,000 pupils (mostly Sixth Formers) enter the first stage of the competition, the Senior Maths Challenge, of these the top one thousand then qualify for the Senior Olympiad (BMO1). Only one hundred of the top scorers in BMO1 progress to the next stage, BMO2.  Kavin is in this elite group of 100 – a fantastic achievement!

Congratulations also to Rishi Bhabutta and Francis Clark-Murray both of whom qualified for the Senior Olympiad, putting in strong performances and gaining Certificates of Participation.

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