Sustainability Spotlight

Bancroft's Sustainability Society recently welcomed a group of chicks, a symbol of new beginnings, aligning perfectly with our focus on sustainability.

We caught up with Ms O’Sullivan, our Head of Sustainability, to discuss her vision and the school’s efforts in this vital area.

The Sustainable Mindset

Ms O’Sullivan’s passion for sustainability is rooted in her 10-year tenure as a geography teacher.  A startling fact from her own school days – about the air quality in Mexico City – left a lasting impression. “It’s a vivid reminder of our role as guardians of the planet for future generations,” she reflects.

Sustainability in Everyday School Life

At Bancroft’s, sustainability is more than a concept; it’s a practice aligned with our values of resilience and kindness. “Our students, as future leaders, must understand the complexities of climate change. We’re fostering this through sustainable actions and leadership opportunities, preparing them for roles in the growing green job sector,” says Ms O’Sullivan.

Celebrating a Sustainability Milestone

A notable achievement has been the introduction of weekly ‘sustainability snippets.’ These updates keep the school community informed on diverse topics, ranging from environmental initiatives to the analysis of local air quality.

A Practical Tip for Students

Ms O’Sullivan suggests a simple yet impactful action: “If every student makes one additional sustainable choice per week, the impact would be profound. From walking to school to using reusable containers, every small action contributes to a larger change.”

Bancroft’s commitment to sustainability is an ongoing journey, and we’re excited to share more updates very soon.

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