Taal 2016
Friday 6 and Saturday 7 February saw almost 200 pupils take part in this year’s Taal. With its fusion of dancing, music, acting and even a fashion show, Taal is more than just another School production, it has grown over 14 years to become an integral and much anticipated fixture in the School calendar, as well as an important part of the School’s cultural life.
The event is totally student driven with members of the Hindu, Sikh, Buddhist and Muslim Society writing, choreographing and directing the event. This year’s script was a Bollywood style update of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, written by Fahed Gani and Shaan Mann (both U6); Shaan also was the Director and oversaw the choreography. In addition, the Bancroftians assume full responsibility: everything from finding sponsorship from local businesses to sourcing costumes. Shaan said, “Taal is a chance for Bancroft’s pupils to embrace and show off their culture and different talents which they might not be able to show in regular School events. I was so proud not just at putting on a large scale production but also at bonding as a family with the rest of the Taal team. This year was particularly special because of how much we connected.”
I felt privileged to be part of such a spectacular event, with pupils from all year groups and cultures coming together to raise money to support our commitment to Takok Charai school in Cambodia. In a short period of time the pupils managed to put together an adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, which made use of every opportunity presented to include a dance and some uplifting music. Well done to them all; they did Bancroft’s proud.
Marwan Mikdadi, Deputy Head
Taal is also a major fund raiser for charities and this year it is supporting United World Schools, a charity which is transforming the lives of some of the poorest and most vulnerable children in the World through educational opportunities. UWS builds schools and provides a free basic education for children who would otherwise not receive any education. Jack Clark, School Partnerships Director at United World Schools, was a guest at the Friday night performance, which he described as “spectacular”. We hope that this year’s Taal will have raised ten thousand pounds for this charity.