A Level Results 2022
Many congratulations to our 2022 A level cohort who have achieved an outstanding set of results: 45.1% A*, 76.5% A*/A and 93% A*-B. Almost 25% of the year-group of 102 gained 3 or more A*s.
These results compare very favourably with both 2020 (CAGs) and our last set of pre-pandemic grades (2019) and represent a very significant achievement after such a disrupted past two and a bit years. Due to the cancellation of their GCSEs back in March 2020, these were the first set of significant exams this year-group have taken. What is especially pleasing is that most of the year-group have gained places at their first choice of university or post-school course; in addition, a number of students will go on to study prestigious degree-level apprenticeships. Whilst a good number of our students are due to follow STEM subjects at university, an increasing number are choosing arts, humanities and other interesting options.
It is also worth mentioning our thanks to the staff who have taught, supported and advised them during their time in the school, and particularly in these recent challenging years; in addition we acknowledge the role that the parents and other family members of this year-group have played – they too have coped magnificently with the stresses and uncertainties of this time; overall, the success of this year-group has been a wonderful community effort.
This is a year-group that has suffered huge disruption to their last two years of study at school and has had to manage the almost continual uncertainties of the Covid era – they really deserve our admiration and praise for their achievements and the good humour and patience with which they have overcome these adversities.
Simon Marshall, Head